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  • Anni Downs
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December 06, 2013



I would love to have the chance to win any of your fabric and can't wait to see Gossip in the Garden all finished


These fabrics are beautiful, I can see a table runner in the making with these.


Oh ♥ that lazy cat on the button tree! Off to look at the whole collection, thanks for the link.

Natalia (aka Koala)

Anni, I cannot miss it!!!!! PLease, Santa, pleeeeease :-) I was a good girl, a very good girl :-)) There is a cat on this fabric, I must have it!
Thank you for the opportunity, Anni!


Would love to win the fabric-- my favourite colours-- would like to design something of my own with it!

Sylvia Frazer

What a gorgeous giveaway!!! It would be such fun to play with this new range.


I would love to make a chance to win those beautiful fabrics. [email protected]


Love your new fabric and would love to sew something from it.

May Britt

This is a beautiful fabric range and I would be so happy to make something from it. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT and hope i WIN IT :) Wish you a peacful advent time with a lot of stitching.

Debbie Sachtler

You have done it again the fabric range is just wonderful, I love all your patterns and have many quilts that you have designed. Thankyou


uaaaaaaaaaaaauh I would love to sew them!!!!!


A gorgeous new range. I'd love the chance to play with it. Thanks.

Baa. xxx

Button Lane is beautiful!


Anni, thanks for the opportunity to win some "Button Lane" fabric. I hope the most deserving person wins.


Bev C


Love the name of your new fabric.Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Happy days.


I would love to have the chance to win any of your fabric and can't wait to see Gossip in the Garden all quilted and finished.
What a lovely fabric pack. it would be lovely to have a play with these great fabrics.


Congratulations on another (by what I can see) lovely fabric range. It must be exciting seeing all your hard work in the finished product. Well done.


Just gorgeous,Anni. Would love to have the opportunity to create with this.

Julie Murray

Thanks for another giveaway, Anni. The Button tree lane fabrics look great. Gossip in the garden looks good too. Well done!

Lynette, From NZ

Looking forward to seeing Gossip in the Garden.Button Tree Fabrics look lovely too.


Love the name of your new fabric, and just love the fabric too!! I would be ecstatic if I won, thank you so much for the chance.

Dianne W

How exciting! Would love to win


WOW gorgeous!!!! love to win. Thanks for a chance to win those lovely fabrics.

Christine B.

Love the look of the 'Button Tree Lane' fabrics! Thank you for the competition!! (Fingers crossed x) Can't wait to see the finished 'Gossip in the Garden' Quilt!!


Thanks Annie for the opportunity to win a bundle of your latest fabric. Can't wait to see the quilt. But promise, you won't stay up all night finishing the binding. Get some rest you have worked hard lately. Merry Christmas to you, Pete and your family.

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