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November 16, 2011



I love Home for Christmas. Thanks for the pattern. Happy quilting.

kathy h

I love your pattern. Thanks for sharing with us.


Thanks for the pattern! It is adorable!


Thanks so much for this lovely pattern. I love it!


I love this pattern. And, I'll be Home for Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas songs. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Thanks for the fun blog hop. I am enjoying getting to know those of you I am not familiar with. What a cue pattern, thank you.


Thank you for the gift.
Your work is really inspiring.
You are wonderful!
Thank you so much.
Martine - FRANCE

Sandra Timmons

I will be downloading Home for Christmas for myself. That is where I will be going for Christmas Eve. All of my family will be there. So much hugging and so many stories to share. Can't wait to go home for Christmas. I like pie - especially pumpkin with either ice cream or whippped cream. Thank you for the Jolly Holiday Party. It sure has been fun. A lot of patterns and recipes. What more could any quilter ask for.

Sandi T.
[email protected]


Thank you for the lovely pattern, have a lovely Christmas.


Thank you, I love that pattern, the words say it all.

Leslie Legros

Hi! Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop and the great design! I'm going to make one, maybe for a gift!
Take care, Leslie


This is such a cute little project, thank you for sharing it. I love quilting and embroidery together.

Robyn Brown

Thank you for the free pattern. I am a long time fan. This blog hop has been awesome. Such wonderful projects.
Our family loves to eat nuts in the wintertime. I can remember sitting by the fire and my grandfather cracking nuts for us (he kept a bowl and a nutcracker by his chair). Now my husband does it for my kids. But he cracks them the old fashioned way by just pressing two nuts against each other. There is something so homey about eating them fresh from the shell by the fireplace.

Marcia K

Lovely pattern. I remember my family always had a bowl of nuts at the holidays, and my grandfather never used a nutcracker. He just held two nuts together in his hands and crushed them together to get them to crack. We were amazed.


Wonderful blog hop of designers - thanks for participating. Judy C

Darlene B

I love your project - it's so whimsical and fun. I've been wanting to try a little embroidery project, and this is the perfect fit! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Michelle Harrison

Cute pattern! It was nice to get to know you.


Thank you for the pattern. I like handwork too. It was nice meeting you. :-)

Debbie St. Germain

I love your free pattern, that will be fun to make for my daughter.


Carrie P.

enjoyed reading about your Christmas tradition.
thanks so much for the very cute pattern.


Thanks sooooo much for the free pattern download! I love it! It was great reading about you!


Thank you for this lovely pattern Anni! I can't wait to get started on it! :0)


How fun to think of spending Christmas at the beach:) We nearly always have snow, snow, snow!


How sweet "All Hearts Come Home for Christmas". I love embroidery and can't wait to stitch this up. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!

Sue Bone

Such a cut pattern. Thank you.

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